Insights > Making Sure the Solution Suits the Need
Making Sure the Solution Suits the Need

Entergy New Orleans recently filed an unopposed request to temporarily suspend the schedule in the proposed New Orleans Power Station proceeding before the New Orleans City Council. That request was granted by the judge in the proceeding, and he has scheduled a status conference with all of the parties on March 6, 2017 to discuss next steps.
The temporary suspension of the schedule will allow time to begin considering what implications, if any, an updated forecast of future customer energy needs in New Orleans may have for the New Orleans Power Station proposal. Entergy periodically updates load projections to ensure we are able to meet future energy demands. The latest numbers indicate that estimated customer energy needs in New Orleans over the next 20 years have decreased slightly when compared to the forecast in effect when the request to construct the New Orleans Power Station was fi led with the Council in June 2016. This pause in the schedule will help ensure that, as we proceed, we are taking the best course of action to meet the needs of our valued community.
Our goal is to provide an affordable, reliable and clean local power source to assist with local and regional reliability and grid stabilization and to serve the next generation of New Orleanians. Our commitment to this goal is unwavering.