Insights > What Entergy Wants Versus What New Orleans Needs
What Entergy Wants Versus What New Orleans Needs

Entergy New Orleans wants what is best for the city of New Orleans and our customers. The proposed New Orleans Power Station has undergone intense scrutiny through 23 public meetings and comprehensive review by experts. It has earned the New Orleans City Council Utility Committee’s support.
Two years ago, the New Orleans City Council charged Entergy New Orleans with finding a solution to provide reliable, safe and affordable power generation following the deactivation of the former Michoud units. After extensive and thorough analysis, we proposed a 226-megawatt natural gas-powered unit to the New Orleans City Council. Following more than 20 public meetings and a re-evaluation of our load forecast, we also proposed a smaller, 128-megawatt facility. The city will be well served by either option.
After widespread public input, the council's Utility Committee voted 4-1 Feb. 21 to adopt the smaller 128-megawatt facility. This also was recommended by the council’s advisors.
The natural gas plants were presented to the council because the city needs local, reliable and affordable power generation. Independent third-party experts have testified the reasons for the proposed power plant are sound from economic, safety and cost-effective perspectives. Environmental and geology experts have analyzed both proposed units and concluded, respectively, that the surrounding neighborhoods will be safe from emissions and that neither facility will cause subsidence.
Furthermore, Entergy New Orleans has implemented strategies to improve its transmission and distribution capabilities to prevent outages and get customers’ power back on after interruptions. In addition, adding renewable energy is a priority and the company is taking significant steps to do so. The proposed power plant will support the addition of renewables by providing local, reliable peaking generation.
The council's Utility Committee and its advisors have spoken – the 128-megawatt natural gas plant is the best option. The future of our city is at risk without the New Orleans Power Station.