By replacing older power plants with more advanced and efficient technology, Entergy Mississippi is producing more electricity from the same amount of fuel while significantly reducing carbon emissions.
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Located in downtown Brandon near I-20, the company’s $350,000 fast charging station will serve both residents and EV drivers passing through on I-20 and nearby I-55.
The Palms substation is expected to be in service in June and will support the growing electrical demand on the peninsula.
The Snowden Park Substation enhances reliability for the existing transmission and distribution systems by providing capacity for future residential, commercial and industrial growth in DeSoto County.
$79.5 million in requested funding would help finance proposed infrastructure investments to increase reliability and resiliency of electric power delivery, resulting in less damage, lower restoration costs, fewer interruptions, and faster recovery times after major storms
The company donated $255,000 to help fund the campus’ first EV fast charging station.
Providing best-in-class technical expertise to accelerate the energy transition
The renewable energy resource will come from a facility in Polk County, Texas
Work boosts local economy by bringing in 1,900 additional workers