April is National Volunteer Month, and Entergy Arkansas is proud of the year-round commitment our employees make to volunteering and making a difference in communities throughout our service territory.
Arkansas Bright Future news
In honor of the company's 110th anniversary, Entergy Arkansas has announced the "Arkansas Bright Futures" campaign. Six statewide nonprofits will each receive a $110,000 grant to enhance their efforts to help customers.
Construction is well underway for a new substation that will supply power to the new U. S. Steel mill in Northeast Arkansas.
For some folks, R&R means rest and relaxation. But for Entergy Arkansas, R&R stands for reliability and resiliency, and there’s a proactive drone program devoted to it.
Entergy is committed to building healthy, more vibrant communities. That's why our Environmental Initiatives Fund is providing $1 million in shareholder-funded grants to support environmental projects and solutions that help strengthen our communities for the future.
Today officials with the Wynne Economic Development Corporation and Entergy Arkansas announced completion of the utility’s Select Site certification for the 37-acre Wynne Highway 1 industrial site, located 11 miles north of Interstate 40 on Arkansas Highway 1.
Entergy Arkansas will provide cash rebates through its new eTech initiative to customers who purchase one or more electric technologies, ranging from forklifts and cranes to golf carts and electric vehicle chargers.
TSC announces distribution center site in Maumelle; Site Selection played a big role
Tractor Supply Company (TSC) announced in January it will soon locate a $100 million distribution center for home goods and equipment for farms and families in Maumelle where four-wheelers once rolled through a rugged wooded parcel north of the city’s industrial park.
State and local officials joined Arkansas business leaders Tuesday to break ground on the state’s largest-ever economic investment project with U. S. Steel near Osceola, Ark.
Safety is a core value at Entergy, for everyone – whether it’s our employees or our customers, even the littlest ones. Keeping children safe is everyone’s job, though, from utility providers to teachers and parents.