Insights > Celebrating today’s achievements and creating a brighter and more diverse future in engineering
Celebrating today’s achievements and creating a brighter and more diverse future in engineering

This week, Entergy celebrates National Engineers Week, recognizing how engineers play a vital role in innovating solutions to global challenges that impact future generations.
From our power plants and operations centers to regulatory teams and capital projects, engineers are an indispensable part of the Entergy team. Across the company, these professionals collaborate on a journey to make Entergy the premier utility.
Each day this week, we will highlight an engineer working in Mississippi. On Monday, we recognized Engineer I Austin Entremont, who works in the Rankin Office.
Although he has been in this position less than one year, he stands out for his work ethic, extra effort and the enthusiasm he brings to the field engineer role. Just a few of his accomplishments include PM&C design for a 1.5 mile double circuit rebuild, Whitfield Hospital customer request that required a complete rebuild of facilities on large hospital grounds, which involved more than two miles of lines, and continuous improvement efforts to improve customer communication, education, and commitments for new service requests.
Tuesday’s honoree is Ryan Pirman, a senior engineer in Transmission Project Delivery-Construction Management. Located in Transmission Headquarters in Jackson, he is a motivated self-starter who joined Entergy in 2017.
He earned a degree in electrical engineering at Jackson State University while working as a forklift operator and has held various engineering positions in Asset Management, Transmission Performance Support prior to joining his current group. Known for his strong technical decision-making, organizational skills and attention to detail, Pirman optimizes all construction plans and sequencing for projects to which he is assigned to drive efficiencies, save costs and work safer. He recently put in-service a large, complex project at Clinton 115kV Substation to add circuit breakers, providing reliability benefits to the area transmission and distribution systems.
On Wednesday, we are highlighting Erick Granadino, a senior engineer in distribution project delivery—design engineering, who works at Transmission Headquarters in Jackson. Since joining Entergy in 2009, he has proven himself to be very detail oriented with top tier documentation on projects.
Granadino’s inquisitive nature has helped him work with the project team to identify options to provide cost savings and his eagerness to learn has been invaluable as he has taken the initiative to design projects internally. He is bi-lingual, speaking both English and Spanish, and serves as a leaders for the Entergy Mississippi/North Louisiana design engineering team.
Thursday is designated as “Girl Day” to encourage female students to pursue careers in engineering. Today, we are proud to highlight Katie Robertson, a senior engineer with Transmission Project Delivery – Construction Management, who works at Transmission Headquarters in Jackson.
Robertson began her career with Entergy in 2011 with Entergy Nuclear and transitioned into Entergy Transmission and Distribution in 2017. She has also worked in asset management. She is self-motivated, extremely organized and always seeking ways to improve the projects, she is known for her attention to detail, communication with other teams and accountability. She is willing to take on any roles needed for her team and leads the cooperation through her memberships on multiple lead teams to ensure continuous improvement across multiple disciplines. She recently worked on a large, complex project at Northpark 230kV Substation to add a 230kV/115kV Auto and the joint T&D Snowden Park project to build a new 115kV substation, providing reliability benefits to the area.
Founded in 1951, EWeek is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers. This year’s theme - “Welcome to the Future” - is about celebrating today’s achievements and paving the way for a brighter and more diverse future in engineering. Join Entergy and engineering peers from around the world as we celebrate this important profession. Learn more about how you can help inspire future innovators by visiting