Insights > Chill Your Bill – Easy Tips to Help You Save Money on Your Bill
Chill Your Bill – Easy Tips to Help You Save Money on Your Bill

With the hot, humid weather settling in, you’re likely adjusting your thermostat and using your air conditioner more.
There are simple steps you can take to help manage your bills during the hot weather months. Some impacts to your bill may include:
- If you’re a typical residential customer using 1,000 kWh of energy one month and your usage increased by 500 kWh the following month, you may see a significant increase in your bill. Visit the myAdvisor tool on to view when you use the most energy. The usage and cost tool can compare your usage history by month, day, and hour.
- During the warmer weather months, more energy is used to cool your home. In fact, cooling costs can account for as much as 55% of your monthly energy usage. The greater the difference between the outdoor temperature and the desired indoor temperature, the more electricity your air conditioning unit will use. We recommend setting your thermostat at 78°F. Learn more about how weather impacts your bill.
If you have difficulty paying your utility bills, Entergy New Orleans has flexible payment arrangements through its Enhanced Customer Assistance plan. Qualified customers can also receive assistance through Entergy’s The Power to Care program and the federal Low-
Here are additional steps to help lower your energy usage and cost:
- Seal air leaks. Install weather stripping around your doors, windows and any location where there may be a path between the inside and outside of your home or business.
- Conserve hot water. Wrap your electric water heater with a water heater blanket that can be found at local home improvement stores and set the thermostat to 120 degrees or medium.
- Keep all doors and windows closed. Constantly opening doors and windows will let out the warm air, forcing your heater to work harder to keep the room at the set temperature.
- Ensure fans are turning the right way. Fans should run clockwise at a low speed during the winter. This helps keep the cold air from blowing down on you.
- Keep the air circulating. Do not block heat registers or air returns with curtains or furniture.
- Close blinds, shades and curtains to keep the sun out and the cool air in. Also, close air conditioning vents in rooms that are not in use.
- Check out Entergy New Orleans’ energy efficiency program. Visit the Energy Smart Program page for energy-saving solutions.
Call us at 1-800-Entergy to discuss our bill payment assistance plan or sign up online. The plan includes deferred payment arrangements for up to 12 months and payment extensions with waived late fees. Customers also can visit to find a payment option that best fits their needs.