Insights > Entergy Charitable Foundation Grants Total $2.4M in 2017
Entergy Charitable Foundation Grants Total $2.4M in 2017

Recent grant awards raise Entergy’s annual charitable contributions to approximately $16 million.
Funding from the Entergy Charitable Foundation continues to be a vital resource for community-improvement partners in states where Entergy operates. The foundation’s second cycle of 2017 grants was $1.1 million, bringing the program’s total 2017 contributions to $2.4 million.
ECF is just one of a variety of Entergy programs that support nonprofits in local communities. In total, Entergy Corporation supports more than 2,200 nonprofits annually with charitable contributions of approximately $16 million. A list of the most recent ECF recipients can be viewed here.
Learn about community success stories made possible by ECF grants in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas and New Orleans.
Entergy Charitable Foundation grants are awarded twice a year. For details, visit Corporate and Foundation Giving at The next deadline for grant submittals is Aug. 1, 2018.