Insights > Entergy Texas Utility Foreman Louis Louvier on Putting Safety First
Entergy Texas Utility Foreman Louis Louvier on Putting Safety First

First in a series of articles where employees discuss how this priority will allow Entergy Texas to reach 3 million man hours without a lost-time accident
By Phallan K. Davis
Three million man-hours without a lost-time accident is an incredible achievement for any company. And, by this August, Entergy Texas may very well join such elite ranks. Utility foreman Louis Louvier discusses what it will take to realize this achievement.
Davis: Thanks for joining us, Louis. You celebrated your 36th anniversary with Entergy Texas in June. In your nearly four decades with the company, you've gleaned quite a lot about what it means to put safety first. What knowledge would you pass on to someone just starting out in your position about safety?
Louvier: Remember that all safety rules are in place for your benefit and for the well-being of your family. Follow OSHA's Human Performance System guidelines, which focus on safety fundamentals. Nothing is more important than safety. Never think that time and pressure is an issue. Always be your brother's keeper and he will be yours.
Davis: Talk to me about the role shortcuts play in curtailing a safe work environment?
Louvier: Lives have changed because someone wanted to shave off a few minutes. It is worth it not to take a shortcut.
Davis: What is the biggest change that you have seen over the past few years that has increased the company's focus on safety?
Louvier: There is more dedication and emphasis on employee safety. Safety is driven from a higher level and thus affects all levels.
Davis: 2015 marks the 17th consecutive year that the Edison Electric Institute has awarded Entergy with a national storm restoration award. So here's the question of the hour: How do we apply to same exemplary safety record exhibited during storm response to our everyday work?
Louvier: During storms everyone is both looking for and expecting hazards. Human Performance tools, however, allow us to build group consensus on how to perform our jobs safely in and out of storm season.
Davis: What does the phrase "Live Safe," often used at the company, mean to you?
Louvier: "Live Safe" for me applies to work and home. We must strive to apply the same standard of safety at home as we do while at work.