Insights > Mobile command center supports recent Entergy Texas storm response
Mobile command center supports recent Entergy Texas storm response

Entergy recently invested in a mobile command center that allows teams to quickly establish an operational footprint in areas impacted by storms. When severe weather hits, the mobile command center serves internal and external support teams to quickly assess and begin restoration planning. The unit is equipped with high-speed internet access, computer workstations, satellite communications systems, a conference table with a screen and ClickShare, monitors on the outside of the unit that can display helpful content, and the same security measures as a company building, providing a safe and efficient space to work and support customers.
"The mobile command center is very important to our restoration efforts because it gives us the mobility needed to be effective in our restoration efforts," said Kelvin Winslow, Entergy Texas’ senior manager of operations and construction.
While stationed in The Woodlands, Texas, for a hurricane preparedness exercise, the mobile command center was deployed to Beaumont, Texas to serve as an essential hub following severe thunderstorms that impacted the Entergy Texas service area on June 10.
“It only took a few minutes to set up the mobile command center, allowing us to start communicating with our teams quickly,” said Frank Shannon, Entergy Texas director of region distribution operations. “It was an unexpected opportunity to put the unit through its paces, which will serve as an effective resource for restoration within Entergy or when we are called to assist our partner utilities.”
While there's currently only one mobile command center in the company’s fleet, teams can deploy traditional trailers when mobile customer information centers are needed in more than one community. Branded tents and booths with popup banners are also used to provide quick customer support where needed.
The mobile command center is an exciting and innovative addition that will ultimately serve response teams and customers more efficiently during a crisis.