News Release > 2019 Beat the Heat Fan Deliveries Underway
2019 Beat the Heat Fan Deliveries Underway

Texans can stay substantially cooler by using fans to supplement air conditioning, but not everyone can afford these handy money-savers. That’s why for the 19th consecutive year, Entergy Texas is donating 1,300 fans to nonprofit agencies to help low-income customers.
The fans are being delivered to 31 locations over the next few weeks, bringing the total number of fans donated by Entergy Texas to 21,900 fans since the program’s inception in 2001.
Entergy employees delivered fans to Patricia Gaston at the Christian Community Center in Navasota.
Entergy employees delivered fans to Salvation Army Port Arthur’s temporary headquarters. From left are Energy Customer Service Manager Ron Fletcher, Salvation Army employee Eliga Wilson and Salvation Army Service Center Region 5 Director Richard Sessions.
The following towns and locations getting fans this year include:
- Huntsville - Good Shepherd Mission
- City of Trinity – City Hall
- Madisonville – Son-Shine Outreach Center
- Calvert – City Hall
- Franklin – City Hall
- Bremond – City Hall
- Kosse – City Hall
- City of Midway – City Hall
- City of Normangee – City Hall
- Riverside – City Hall
- New Waverly – City Hall
- Navasota – Christian Community Center
- Somerville – SAAM Place
- Conroe – Community Assistance Center and Fans for Friends at the Assistance League
- The Woodlands – Interfaith of The Woodlands
- New Caney – The Mission Northeast
- Cleveland – Senior Center and Covenant with Christ International
- Corrigan – City Hall
- Shepherd – Senior Center
- Dayton – Police Department
- Daisetta – City Hall
- Beaumont – Salvation Army, Some Other Place and Beaumont Rainbow Room
- Orange – Salvation Army
- Vidor – United Christian Care Center
- Winnie – St. Vincent de Paul
- Port Arthur – Salvation Army
- Nederland – Community Care Prayer Outreach
- Sour Lake – Caring Christians Sharing
- Silsbee – Christian Care Center
- Kountze – Hardin County United Appeals
- Woodville – Tri-County CAP (Community Action Agency)
Remember to turn off fans when you do not need them. They still use electricity whether you are in the room to enjoy them or not. Besides fans, consider the following tips to save energy and keep your costs lower without sacrificing comfort:
- Set your thermostat at 78 degrees (or more).
- Get your A/C inspected to ensure the system is leak-free and operating efficiently.
- Change air filters regularly. Some units require monthly cleaning or replacing.
- Use a programmable thermostat.
- Close blinds, shades and curtains to keep the sun out and the cool air in.
- Close air conditioning vents in rooms that are not in use.
- Seal cracks and holes around doors, windows and duct work.
- Use weather stripping and caulk to keep the heat from seeping inside.
- Turn down water heaters to 120 degrees.
- Wash clothes with cold water when possible.
- Use toaster ovens or crock pots to prevent heating up your house with an oven.
- Use lower wattage bulbs or LED bulbs to save energy.
For more information on how to save money and keep your cool this summer, visit
Entergy Texas, Inc. provides electricity to approximately 450,000 customers in 27 counties. Entergy Corporation is an integrated energy company engaged primarily in electric power production and retail distribution operations. Entergy owns and operates power plants with approximately 30,000 megawatts of electric generating capacity, including 9,000 megawatts of nuclear power. Entergy delivers electricity to 2.9 million utility customers in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. Entergy has annual revenues of $11 billion and nearly 13,700 employees.
Twitter: @EntergyTX