Insights > Entergy Powers Life in Mississippi with $2.2M and Volunteerism
Entergy Powers Life in Mississippi with $2.2M and Volunteerism

Throughout 2018, Entergy Mississippi carried on the tradition of giving back to the communities we serve through charitable grants and volunteerism.
By year’s end, Entergy shareholders will have contributed approximately $2.2 million to 350 nonprofit organizations throughout Mississippi, including gifts through Entergy Charitable Foundation grants, The Power to Care donations and corporate matching funds.
Our shareholders’ contributions are fueling quality-of-life improvements in communities where we operate through strategic investments in education, low-income and poverty solutions and environmental programs.
In addition to financial support, employees lent their time, talents and leadership skills to a variety of projects that helped strengthen their communities. This year we organized more than 60 group volunteer events in Mississippi and expect employees will have logged more than 12,000 hours of volunteer service by the close of 2018.
"We believe everyone benefits when our communities are healthy, educated, environmentally safe and productive," said Valarie Mabry, public affairs analyst. "We're proud to contribute to and volunteer our time with organizations that improve quality of life for Mississippians and enrich our communities as a whole."
The following are a sampling of the grants awarded and organizations where we volunteered, demonstrating the variety of causes that Entergy supported in 2018 and the diversity of benefits produced for our communities:
Alcorn State University
Community Foundation of Greater Jackson and Northwest Mississippi
DeSoto County Foundation for Excellence in Education
Excel by 5 - Early Childhood Education Community Certification
Mississippi Association of Community Action Agencies
Mississippi Museum of Natural Science
Mississippi School of the Arts Foundation
The Salvation Army - The Pathway to Hope
United Way of Central Mississippi
UMMC - Children’s Hospital Capital Campaign
Catch A Dream Foundation – Bass Classic Fundraiser
Jacktown Throwdown BBQ – The Power to Care fundraiser
Keep MS Beautiful – Great American Cleanup – Copiah County/Lake Hazle
The Salvation Army Bell Ringing and Angel Tree Toy shops in Vicksburg and the Metro areas
USA International Ballet Competition
Volunteer Day at the Capitol – passing of bill SB2295
Thanks to our all our shareholders and employees who are so generous with their time, we are making a difference in our communities!