Insights > Entergy Supports Latest Louisiana Association of United Ways ALICE Report
Entergy Supports Latest Louisiana Association of United Ways ALICE Report

Do you know a family struggling to make ends meet – despite one or both parents working? Then you know ALICE, which stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed.
ALICE individuals are first responders, child care workers, grocery store employees, restaurant employees, delivery drivers, warehouse workers, truck drivers, sanitation workers and others who keep our communities safe and running. ALICE individuals work hard in jobs that are critical, but that often don’t pay enough for them to make ends meet.
At Entergy, our focus on ALICE is rooted in the economic reality of the communities we serve — we know ALICE well. For more than 20 years, Entergy has been committed to helping power ALICE families, not only by keeping their power on and gas flowing, but by equipping them with the tools to succeed and inspiring action from businesses, policy makers and communities to build stronger financial stability for hardworking families throughout Louisiana.
That is why Entergy is proud to partner with the Louisiana Association of United Ways to sponsor the ALICE report for Louisiana, high-quality, research-based information that fosters a better understanding of who is struggling in our communities.
According to new research found in the 2020 ALICE report for Louisiana released this month by the Louisiana Association of United Ways, in 2018, more than 576,000 of Louisiana’s 1.7 million households were ALICE – a record number unable to afford the basics for survival, despite working. That’s in addition to the nearly 315,000 families living in poverty.
Entergy is deeply concerned about the recovery road ahead for Louisiana families. As a longtime partner of United Way and state sponsor of the ALICE report, we recognize the importance of seeking a deeper understanding of the challenges in our state. Entergy relies on these insights to improve the ways we help our communities and customers.
And as we reflect on our collective experiences through COVID-19, we can see that ALICE workers are providing essential services to help keep us safe and healthy. We also know that COVID-19 had a disproportionate impact on ALICE households. That’s why we are proud to have partnered with United Ways and other nonprofits to provide more than $1.4 million in assistance for ALICE families.
As our communities continue to recover from the economic impact of COVID-19, it is important to lift up their stories and ensure ALICE has a proper place as we all chart the course for immediate recovery and beyond.