Insights > Power Principle: A Conversation with Ron Fletcher

Power Principle: A Conversation with Ron Fletcher


In honor of Veterans Day, we salute all of our Entergy veterans for their years of dedication, not only to our country, but our company as well. We are recognizing one of our own, Ron Fletcher, who proudly served in the U.S. Navy, as Commander (0-5), for 20 years.

What's your title? Customer service representative, Entergy Texas.

How long have you been with Entergy? 29 years.

What's your power principle at work? Putting more energy into brainstorming multiple ways of finding solutions rather than focusing on multiple problems.

What motivates you to live and work safely? My family motivates me to live and work safely. First, as a husband and father of three sons and now the grandfather of two beautiful granddaughters, my health and safety are very important. I still have a lot of living to do.

How do you balance work and family? When I am at work, I give it my all. However, when I am with my family, it is critically important that they have my full and undivided attention.

What safety practices did you learn in the military that transfers into your personal and work life? During my primary role on my last ship, I was the damage control assistant, and in that role, I was responsible for the ship's firefighting and repairs. As such, we practiced firefighting drills every day while in port so that if or when the real activity happened, it was second nature how to address it. Part of that training was to leave nothing to chance. That helps me today whether I am problem solving at work or addressing any potential safety issues while playing with my very active granddaughters. 

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