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The Greenville Fitzgerald crew in 1959
The Greenville Fitzgerald crew in 1959
Insights > People power
How the 1956 Public Utilities Act brought order to energy in Mississippi

The Public Utilities Act divided the state into service territories for energy companies like Mississippi Power & Light, which later became Entergy Mississippi, allowing them to be more focused and efficient.

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Jonathan Graise, instrumentation and controls technician, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station
Jonathan Graise, instrumentation and controls technician, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station
Insights > People power
Meet the pros: Jonathan Graise

Meet Jonathan Graise, an instrumentation and controls technician and craftsmanship council co-lead who has worked at Grand Gulf Nuclear Station for six years.

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Insights > People power
Entergy Louisiana protecting grid from drought-affected trees

We have accelerated our usual tree-trimming across the state, particularly in those portions that have a thicker tree canopy.

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Mason Berry is a journeyman instrumentation and controls technician at Arkansas Nuclear One.
Mason Berry is a journeyman instrumentation and controls technician at Arkansas Nuclear One.
Insights > People power
Meet the pros: Arkansas Nuclear One’s Mason Berry

In honor of Power Plant Worker Appreciation Day at Entergy Nuclear, meet Mason Berry, a journeyman instrumentation and controls technician at Arkansas Nuclear One.

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Sheryl Carpenter is a nuclear chemistry technician at River Bend Station
Sheryl Carpenter is a nuclear chemistry technician at River Bend Station
Insights > People power
Meet the pros: River Bend’s Sheryl Carpenter

In honor of Power Plant Worker Appreciation Day at Entergy Nuclear, meet Sheryl Carpenter, a nuclear chemistry technician at River Bend Station.

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Insights > People power
Grand Gulf’s safe operating record is a Mississippi success story

For nearly 40 years, Entergy’s Grand Gulf Nuclear Station in Port Gibson has generated safe, clean, carbon-free, affordable energy that supplies almost a fifth of Mississippi’s electricity while serving as one of the largest non-carbon-emitting power plants in the world.

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Tori Stroburg is a mechanical maintenance supervisor at Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station
Tori Stroburg is a mechanical maintenance supervisor at Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station
Insights > People power
Meet the pros: Waterford 3's Tori Stroburg

In honor of Power Plant Worker Appreciation Day at Entergy Nuclear, meet Victoria “Tori” Stroburg, a mechanical maintenance supervisor at Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station.

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Insights > People power
Our people behind the power: Entergy observes Power Plant Worker Appreciation Day

When your kids do homework on their computer, or your family watches college football on Saturday, those things are possible in part because of the work of Entergy power plant workers.

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Michael Rollison is a security supervisor at Grand Gulf Nuclear Station
Michael Rollison is a security supervisor at Grand Gulf Nuclear Station
Insights > People power
Meet the pros: Grand Gulf’s Michael Rollison

In honor of Power Plant Worker Appreciation Day at Entergy Nuclear, meet Michael Rollison, a security supervisor who has worked at Grand Gulf Nuclear Station for more than 40 years.

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