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Insights > People power
Entergy’s CANstruction event builds up food supplies to feed the community

A can-do spirit was in the air last week as 10 teams from Entergy Nuclear headquarters in Jackson, Mississippi took on the task of constructing canned-good creations for a worthy cause.

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Mcadory and wife pose on the sidelines during the VIP pregame activities.
Mcadory and wife pose on the sidelines during the VIP pregame activities.
Insights > People power
Mcadory lights up the dome for a Saints victory over the Falcons!

As a Madison County native, he’s not just serving customers. He’s also serving his own community. “It’s a rewarding job, especially during storms,” Mcadory said.

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Insights > People power
Entergy New Orleans’ commitment to proactive service

As part of Entergy New Orleans’ commitment to strengthening reliability and our relationship with our community, we recently conducted comprehensive walk-downs in each New Orleans council district. Led by teams of customer service managers, line workers, and representatives from the Energy Smart program, the walk-downs proactively addressed infrastructure needs across our service area.

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Andy Frugé, journey lineman for Entergy Arkansas
Andy Frugé, journey lineman for Entergy Arkansas
Insights > People power
Third-generation Entergy Arkansas employee to be honored as Lineman of the Game

Even at a young age, Andy Frugé knew he wanted to work for Entergy. Frugé grew up watching his father and grandfather work for the company and says they were his inspiration.

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Insights > People power
Entergy receives 2024 HIRE Vets Gold Medallion Award for its commitment to hiring veterans

For the seventh consecutive year, the U.S. Department of Labor has awarded Entergy with the HIRE Vets Medallion Award, honoring exceptional achievement in veteran employment.

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Insights > People power
ACES continues to earn top ratings with STEM students at the third annual summit

Recently, several energy entities helped lead a careers summit for students attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

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Left to right in photo: Bob Franssen, VP major fleet projects; Glenn Hoilman; Michael Rutkoske, senior manager, project controls
Left to right in photo: Bob Franssen, VP major fleet projects; Glenn Hoilman; Michael Rutkoske, senior manager, project controls
Insights > People power
Meet the pros: Glenn Hoilman

As a workshop instructor, outage scheduler, barbecue afficionado and gem cutter, Glenn Hoilman is a man of many talents.

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Insights > People power
Entergy sponsors scholarship event and presents Unsung Hero Award

Entergy sponsored the 2nd Annual New Orleans Association of Black Journalists Jazz Brunch and Silent Auction, supporting the organization’s scholarship fund. The event honored two local veteran journalists and awarded two scholarships named in their honor: the Nancy Parker Memorial Scholarship awarded to TaShia Hogue, and the William “Bill” Rousselle Memorial Scholarship awarded to Kennedy Wells. These scholarships will assist the recipients in furthering their education.

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Insights > People power
Meet the pros: Billy Blaylock

Meet Billy Blaylock, an incident response manager of logistical programs based out of Transmission Headquarters in Jackson, Miss. who has worked for Entergy for more than 14 years.

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