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Insights > People power
Meet the pros: Andrew Nance

Serving as nuclear power plant control room supervisor is an all-consuming job, but for Andrew Nance at Arkansas Nuclear One in Russellville, Arkansas, that is only the beginning. Read how he reaches out cross-functionally to accomplish even more efficiencies for the site.

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Sewindia Scott
Sewindia Scott
Insights > People power
Grand Gulf Nuclear Station engineering lauds Sewindia Scott for service to US Women in Nuclear

The central design and site engineering organizations of Grand Gulf Nuclear Station in Port Gibson, Mississippi recognized Sewindia Scott for her contributions to Entergy's chapter of U.S. Women in Nuclear.

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Insights > People power, Giving back
Entergy’s CANstruction event builds up food supplies to feed the community

A can-do spirit was in the air last week as 10 teams from Entergy Nuclear headquarters in Jackson, Mississippi took on the task of constructing canned-good creations for a worthy cause.

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Insights > Giving back
Christmas in July donations surpass goals; employees’ generous spirit shines bright

The third year of Christmas in July wrapped up this fall, with totals topping organizers’ expectations. This year, the charitable campaign extended beyond Entergy nuclear to include all of the company.

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Insights > Our future
Entergy’s nuclear fleet essential to meeting carbon-free commitments

Entergy is proud to celebrate Nuclear Science Week, an international, broadly observed week-long celebration to focus local, regional and international interests on all aspects of nuclear science.

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Insights > Our future
Think Clean. Think Solutions. Think Nuclear.

This week we celebrate achievements across the nuclear energy industry and at Entergy, as we recognize the vital role nuclear professionals play in powering our communities with clean, carbon-free electricity. Kimberly Cook-Nelson Chief Nuclear Officer

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Insights > People power, Giving back
From lunch server to cat whisperer, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station’s David Samples does it all

David Samples is the humble jack-of-all-trades in the kitchen at the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station.

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Ashley Melder, site nurse at Arkansas Nuclear One
Ashley Melder, site nurse at Arkansas Nuclear One
Insights > People power
Meet the pros: Ashley Melder

Today, we recognize a member of a team that perhaps goes unnoticed until needed. That team is the nuclear medical staff.

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Insights > People power
As Grand Gulf nears 40 years of operation, Davis shares her personal 40-year perspective

Many of us view Grand Gulf construction days through hazy pictures on the wall, but Linda Davis recalls them clearly with a first-person point of view.

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