Achieve energy savings this winter and beyond with our Manufactured Homes Program.
Energy saving tips
Show your home some love this month with energy-efficient products and services that can help save you money and energy.
Energy Smart, Entergy New Orleans’ energy efficiency and demand response program, launches its brand-new website to start the year.
Think of Energy Smart’s new website as the ultimate playbook for saving energy at home. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, it’s easy to find ways to lower your bill and save money. With Energy Smart as your home team, you always win.
Cooler temperatures are here in our region, meaning some customers are turning on heaters to take the chill out of the air. Producing heat requires a lot of electricity, which can drive up your energy usage and bills.
Cooler temperatures can increase power usage and bills
Start the new year with Energy Smart’s no-cost home assessment and energy-efficient products from the Online Marketplace. By making a few simple changes, you can save on your utility bills and make your home more comfortable all year round.
By making a few simple changes around the home, customers can improve its energy efficiency and keep costs down throughout the colder months.
Easy tips to boost home efficiency and lower energy costs.
In preparation for the colder weather months ahead, Entergy Arkansas has taken measures in advance to ensure we’re winter-ready.