Entergy Arkansas lineman Evan Fraser, a journeyman lineman in the Hot Springs network, has earned the honor of being named Entergy’s Lineman of the Game.
Latest Insights
Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month with a feature on Entergy's Cesar Garcia, nuclear fuels program supervisor
Entergy's Louisiana storm team is made up of not only field workers but also many employees and contractors working behind the scenes at command centers across the state, including the Distribution Operations Center in Baton Rouge. These often unseen team members play a crucial role in ensuring that restoration efforts run smoothly and that lineworkers can operate safely.
Entergy’s Waterford 3 Nuclear Generating Station and River Bend Station in Louisiana and Grand Gulf Nuclear Station in Mississippi operated at full power during Hurricane Francine, which once again shows the resiliency and strength of nuclear power.
Entergy recently participated in a briefing in Washington, D.C. to educate Congress about how electric utilities prepare for and respond to natural disasters.
In a heartfelt ceremony at the July Zachary City Council meeting, two local linemen, Dylan Granger and Caleb Harrell, were recognized by the Zachary Fire Department for their heroic efforts in rescuing two motorists from a burning vehicle.
Poverty is a reality for many individuals and families. But unless one has experienced poverty, it’s difficult to truly understand. Recognizing this, Entergy’s low-income initiatives team recently organized poverty simulations aimed at providing our employees with a firsthand understanding of the struggles faced by customers across our company's service areas.
Nearly a year after a deadly EF-3 tornado tore through the Mississippi Delta, and destroyed essential equipment at our Winona Substation, the facility is back in operation.
Meet Viola Banks Jackson, a dedicated material technician nuclear professional at River Bend.