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Kevin Rogers, senior lineman from Cleveland, Mississippi, will be honored as Entergy's Lineman of the Game during the Saints' Aug. 9 pre-season opener against the Minnesota Vikings.
Kevin Rogers, senior lineman from Cleveland, Mississippi, will be honored as Entergy's Lineman of the Game during the Saints' Aug. 9 pre-season opener against the Minnesota Vikings.
Insights > People power
Back to the Superdome: Rogers Named Entergy Lineman of the Game for Saints’ Season Opener

When you share your hometown with Archie Manning, it’s hard not to be a New Orleans Saints fan. As a boy, Kevin Rogers moved to Drew, Mississippi, and became an instant fan of the town’s most famous football son. Rogers will be recognized on the field Aug. 9 during the Saints' pre-season opener against the Minnesota Vikings as Entergy’s Lineman of the Game, the first for this football season.

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Insights > Our future
Entergy’s Pilot Drone Program Aims to Meet Reliability Needs of the System

Unmanned aircraft systems, often referred to as drones, are Entergy’s latest technology aimed to meet the reliability needs of our transmission system.

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Phillip Pickle was selected by the National Safety Council as a safety leader for 2018.
Phillip Pickle was selected by the National Safety Council as a safety leader for 2018.
Insights > People power
A Rising Star of Safety

Phillip Pickle was selected by the National Safety Council as a safety leader for 2018.

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