Entergy Mississippi has appointed new customer service managers to several communities across its service territories, including a new industrial account executive. While some of the appointees are new to the customer service team, others are veterans acquiring relationships within new communities.
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Survivors of the tornadoes that devastated the Mississippi Delta in March can receive free legal help from Entergy employees. Trained employee volunteers are available to help homeowners and renters in Carroll, Humphreys and Sharkey counties file Federal Emergency Management Agency appeals.
Based in Jackson, Mississippi, Bennett will be responsible for government relations and serve as the company’s liaison with elected officials and their staff. He will also work closely with regulatory and federal affairs groups to engage and achieve positive outcomes for all our stakeholders.
Entergy Mississippi recently welcomed two new members to its economic development team. Stacy Lester and Lauren Gurtowski have joined the team’s effort to assist Mississippi communities expand and attract new business.
For the first two quarters of 2023, Entergy has awarded $6.4 million in shareholder contributions to 467 nonprofit organizations across Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. These grants helped strengthen communities by supporting education and workforce development, poverty solutions and environmental programs.
The team comes together amid the company’s centennial, emphasizing Entergy’s strong legacy in Mississippi and unique industry position to grow sustainable value for its stakeholders.
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