Entergy Louisiana is proactively improving the electrical system and deploying new technologies across the state, with the goal always to reduce the number of outages and customers affected and allow for a faster restoration of power.
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To keep the power reliably flowing, Entergy Texas works year-round to maintain and upgrade its infrastructure to improve service reliability to customers across Southeast Texas.
"Eli brings an established track record of performance in a culture of operational excellence."
Viamontes is a veteran leader of customer-centric initiatives, including designing reliability programs, utilizing data analytics, and driving reliability improvements.
Electricity plays a huge part in our lives. Whether it’s at your home, school or work, reliable power keeps our lives moving. To keep the power reliably flowing, Entergy Texas crews are regularly working to make reliability upgrades to improve equipment with newer, more modern technology.
From installing new technology to prevent outages before they occur to replacing outdated equipment with newer, more efficient equipment, we are taking steps so our customers can continue to rely on us.
Technology is driving not just Entergy, but the entire energy industry. It's the ‘what’s next’ for all of us.
We’re deploying technologies that offer a wide range of benefits. We’ll use that technology to help deliver better reliability, faster response times and more information.
Entergy employees use an array of high-tech tools to ensure service reliability.