No one is immune to scams – but thankfully, you can help protect your older relatives by following these simple tips.
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Last summer, utility bills across the nation surged, largely influenced by a spike in the cost of natural gas. Looking ahead for the rest of this summer, we anticipate that natural gas prices will remain at a much lower level – down over 50% from this past year.
Last summer, utility bills across the nation surged, largely influenced by a spike in the cost of natural gas. Looking ahead for the rest of this summer, we anticipate that natural gas prices will remain at a much lower level – down over 50% from this past year.
While you spend time this Independence Day with your family and friends on the water, downtown for a parade or in the park for a spectacular display of pyrotechnics, you can celebrate safely with these tips.
We know those customers who had their power out for several days were frustrated – and we were, too. I can assure our customers that when the power goes out NOBODY wants it to come on faster than the men and women of our company.
By mid-2020, Entergy had dedicated almost $3 million to COVID-19 relief efforts in its four-state service area and The Power to Care, which helps low-income customers pay utility bills.
Unfortunately, scammers continue to target Entergy customers – and they’re always searching for new ways to deceive you. Know what to look out for to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Since Entergy launched its program in 2018, approximately 8,700 customers have received free trees to plant at home.
April 22 is Earth Day, a perfect opportunity to evaluate your organization’s environmental impact and look for ways to make your operations greener – and save money.