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Entergy New Orleans president and CEO Deanna Rodriguez and Preston Favorite.
Entergy New Orleans president and CEO Deanna Rodriguez and Preston Favorite.
Insights > People power
From paper to plaque: Favorite reflects on 40 years of service

“I wasn’t the best, and I wasn’t the brightest, but I was kind. That was my thing.”

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L-R: Michael Cross, vice president, innovation; Taiwan Brown, vice president, diversity and workforce strategies; Michael Rhymes, vice president, innovation; Ann Delenela, vice president, information security officer and Michelle Delery, director, customer, employee and communications services.
L-R: Michael Cross, vice president, innovation; Taiwan Brown, vice president, diversity and workforce strategies; Michael Rhymes, vice president, innovation; Ann Delenela, vice president, information security officer and Michelle Delery, director, customer, employee and communications services.
Insights > Our future, People power
What drives innovation? Black Tech NOLA 2022

In June, Entergy sponsored Black Tech NOLA, an annual innovation conference created to raise awareness around building an accessible and equitable technology talent pipeline in the New Orleans region.

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Governor declares Economic Development Week May 9-13, 2022
Governor declares Economic Development Week May 9-13, 2022
Insights > Our future, People power
Economic Development Week in Arkansas 2022

The week of May 9-13, 2022, is being recognized by numerous officials in Arkansas and across the country as Economic Development Week.

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Insights > Our future, People power, Giving back
Mentorship makes a difference (Search & Employ magazine)

Since first partnering with American Corporate Partners in 2018, Entergy volunteers have mentored 200 veterans and active-duty military spouses.

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TSC announces distribution center site in Maumelle; Site Selection played a big role
Insights > Our future
A behind the scenes look at landing Tractor Supply distribution center

Tractor Supply Company (TSC) announced in January it will soon locate a $100 million distribution center for home goods and equipment for farms and families in Maumelle where four-wheelers once rolled through a rugged wooded parcel north of the city’s industrial park.

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Feb. 8 ceremonial groundbreaking at U. S. Steel
Feb. 8 ceremonial groundbreaking at U. S. Steel
Insights > Our future
Entergy joins U. S. Steel in celebrating construction of their newest mill

State and local officials joined Arkansas business leaders Tuesday to break ground on the state’s largest-ever economic investment project with U. S. Steel near Osceola, Ark.

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Insights > Our future, People power
Entergy mentorship program helps returning veterans transition into the business world

In recognition of National Mentoring Month, FOX 8 News highlights an Entergy mentorship program that helps U.S. military members make the transition to the private corporate work world.

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Insights > People power
Entergy New Orleans, Energy Smart Help Train the Workforce of the Future

Energy Smart, Entergy New Orleans’ energy efficiency program, piloted an energy apprenticeship program for three individuals to learn the skills needed to join the energy workforce.

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Sara Russell-Lingo, Entergy Arkansas' first female lineworker.
Sara Russell-Lingo, Entergy Arkansas' first female lineworker.
Insights > Our future, People power
Entergy Arkansas’ first female line worker ‘loves the adventure’

Sara Russell-Lingo didn’t set out to make history. But after a few post-high-school years of dead-end warehouse jobs and a stint in retail, “I was looking for a career.”

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